Interview with Diane McCann: 50 Years in the Wellness Industry (And Counting)

Diane_McCannToday I had the privilege and joy of interviewing Diane McCann – a speaker, seminar leader and therapist – attended her first personal development workshop over 50 years ago and has been a lifelong learner ever since.

Diane is qualified in NLP, Educational Kinesiology, Massage, Chakra Balancing, Iridology, EFT, Rebirthing and now The LifeLine Technique. Diane has not only run her own powerful workshops for over 25 years but has brought leaders in their fields to Australia – like Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and Dr. Darren Weissman (The LifeLine Technique), plus many other lesser known, but equally amazing practitioners and healers.

In this interview, she shares her observations of people and their needs and challenges, as she has observed them over her 40 year career in the wellness industry. Diane and her husband Robert, have been running workshops for over 25 years and if you woud like to find out more details about the amazing work they do, check out:

But for now, enjoy this fun and insightful interview with Diane and I.

Cheers, Carl Massey

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