Digital mobile phones use a microwave/radio frequency that pulses at 217 times per second. The home cordless telephone produces a high magnetic field. Some people complain of blurred vision or vague head pains (Dr B. Hoking Herald Sun 1997). The Phone Tag has been developed to fit on the outside of your phone, when fitted correctly in accordance with the instructions, this small devise may help alleviate some effects when the phone is in use. Studies at University Lueoek, Germany, “measured biological effects can extend at least 2 to 3 metres from some phone’s antenna”. Industry studies have shown the portable hands-free fittings for mobile phones to be of benefit, 100+mG at the phone when in use and 3mg at the portable hands-free earpiece. Tesla’s also recommend these in conjunction with the Phone Tag particularly for heavy users.
If you or your children have a mobile phone, or if your home has a walk around phone, then you MUST have a Tesla phone tag on it to eliminate EMFs completely.